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Fluid Mechanics And Hydraulics - CET203
8 modules
Access till 2024-12-31
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics - CET203 expose the students to the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics,
hydraulics of pipes and open channels and enhances their problem-solving skills. The concepts learned
will help in applying them to the design of hydraulic structures and to real-world fluid flow problems.
Module 1
14 attachments • 4 hrs
Introduction; Fluid properties; Types of fluids
Pascal's Law; Hydrostatic law or Pressure variation in a fluid at rest
Problems based on Pascal's Law
Measurement of Pressure using Manometer (Theory and Problem)
Problems based on measurement of pressure using manometer (Part 1)
Problems based on measurement of pressure using manometer (Part 2)
Measurement of Pressure using Single Column Manometer (Theory and Problem)
Measurement of Pressure using Differential Manometer (Theory and Problem)
Hydrostatic forces on surfaces; Vertical plane surface submerged in liquid (Derivation)
Problems based on vertical plane surface
Inclined plane submerged in liquid (Derivation)
Problems based on inclined plane surface
Notes - Module 1
31 pages
Assignment 1 (with key)
3 pages
Module 2
15 attachments • 4 hrs
Introduction; Buoyancy and Center of Buoyancy
Problems based on buoyancy (Part 1)
Problem based on buoyancy (Part 2)
Metacentre and Metacentric height; Expression for metacentric height (Analytic Method)
Problems based on Metacentric height
Stability of floating and submerged bodies; Expression for metacentric height - Experimental Method (Theory and Problem)
Method of describing fluid motion; Types of fluid flow; Continuity Equation
Problems based on continuity equation
Continuity equations in 3D; Velocity and Acceleration of a fluid flow (Theory and Problem)
Problems based on continuity equations in 3D, velocity and acceleration of fluid flow (Part 2)
Continuity equations in 3D; Velocity and Acceleration of a fluid flow (Theory and Problem)
Relation between Stream and Velocity potential functions; Pathline, Streamline and Streakline
Problems based on velocity potential and stream functions; Circulation and Vorticity
Notes - Module 2
50 pages
Assignment 2 (with key)
3 pages
Module 3
19 attachments • 6 hrs
Introduction; Fluid Kinetics; Euler’s equation of motion; Kinetic Energy Correction Factor
Bernoulli’s equation from Euler's equation (Theory and Problems)
Venturimeter; Expression for discharge through venturimeter
Problems related to venturimeter
Orificemeter; Discharge through orificemeter (Theory and Problem)
Pitot tube (Theory and Problems)
Hydraulic coefficients of orifices and their experimental determination (Theory and Problems)
Discharge through rectangular orifice (Theory and Problems); Discharge through fully submerged orifice
Pipe flow; Reynold's Experiment
Darcy–Weisbach equation; Chezy's Formula (Theory)
Darcy–Weisbach equation; Chezy's Formula (Problems)
Loss of head due to sudden enlargement of pipe (Theory and Problems)
Loss of head due to sudden contraction of pipe (Theory and Problems)
Minor loss and Major loss (Problems)
Flow through pipe in series (Problem)
Equivalent pipe; Problems related to flow through parallel pipe
Hydraulic gradient and Total Energy Line; Water hammer; Cavitation; Power transmission through pipes
Notes - Module 3
22 pages
Assignment 3 (with key)
4 pages
Module 4
13 attachments • 4 hrs
Introduction; Open channel flow; Types of Channels
Types of open channel flow; Velocity distribution; Empirical Formula for finding Chezy's Constant
Conveyance and Section factor (Theory and Problems)
Most economical sections – rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal channels
Problems related to trapezoidal channel section
Most Economical Triangular Section
Most Economical Circular Section (Theory and Problem)
Notches and Weirs; Discharge over rectangular, triangular and trapezoidal weirs
Velocity of Approach; Cipolletti Weir; Discharge over Broad Crested and Submerged Weirs
Problems related to Weirs (Part 1)
Problems related to Weirs (Part 2)
Notes - Module 4
18 pages
Assignment 4 (with key)
3 pages
Module 5
8 attachments • 2 hrs
Introduction; Specific Energy and Specific Energy Diagram; Critical Velocity, Minimum Specific Energy (Theory and Problems)
Discharge Diagram; Condition for maximum discharge for a given value of Specific Energy (Theory and Problems)
Gradually varying flow and Dynamic equation of gradually varied flow (Theory and Problem)
Backwater Curve and Afflux; Expression for the length of Backwater Curve (Theory and Problem)
Types and Characteristics of Water Surface Profile; Hydraulic Jump or Standing Wave; Expression for Depth of Hydraulic Jump
Expression for Loss of Energy due to Hydraulic Jump; Problems related to Hydraulic Jump; Types and Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump; Applications of Hydraulic Jump; Specific Force Curve
Notes - Module 5
15 pages
Assignment 5 (with key)
3 pages
Live Sessions - Recorded
9 attachments • 7 hrs
CET203 - 13.10.2022
CET203 - 22.10.2022
CET203 - 29.10.2022
CET203 - 02.11.2022
CET203 - 17.11.2022
CET203 - 11.12.2022
CET203 - 22.12.2022
CET203 - 29.12.2022
CET203 - 06.01.2023
The Final Lap
3 attachments • 1 hrs
Day 1 - CET203
Day 2 - CET203
Day 3 - CET203
Solved Previous Year University QP
2 attachments
CET203 December 2020
25 pages
CET203 December 2021
23 pages
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₹ 899.00
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