


/Engineering Thermodynamics - MET202
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Engineering Thermodynamics - MET202

6 modules


Access till 2025-12-31


Thermodynamics is the study of energy . Without energy life cannot exist. Activities from breathing to the launching of rockets involves energy transactions and are subject to thermodynamic analysis. Engineering devices like engines, turbines, refrigeration and air conditioning systems, propulsion systems etc., work on energy transformations and must be analysed using principles of thermodynamics. So, a thorough knowledge of thermodynamic concepts is essential for a mechanical engineer. This course offers an introduction to the basic concepts and laws of thermodynamics.


Module 1

12 attachments • 2 hrs



Introduction to Thermodynamics; Thermodynamic Systems, surroundings and boundary


Types of System; Microscopic & Macroscopic approach


Control Volume; Intensive & Extensive Properties of a System; State, Process & Cycle

Thermodynamic Equilibrium; Path Function & Point Function; Quasi Static Process

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics; Continuum; Temperature & Temperature Scales

Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Real & Imaginary Boundary; Specific Properties

MET202 (Notes) - Module 1

16 pages


2 pages

Module 2

13 attachments • 4 hrs


Energy; Heat; Work

Modes of Work transfer; Free expansion; Joule's Experiment; First Law of Thermodynamics and its Limitations

Problems based on the First Law of Thermodynamics

Internal energy & Enthalpy; Perpetual Motion Machine of the first kind; Specific heat relation of ideal gas

First law of Thermodynamic applied to non flow process Part 1

First law of Thermodynamic applied to non flow process Part 2; Problems related to non flow process Part 1

Problems related to non flow process Part 2

Study Flow Energy Equation (SFEE) and its applications

SFEE Problems Part 1

SFEE Problems Part 2; Unsteady flow or Transient flow; Filling & Emptying process

MET202 (Notes) - Module 2

16 pages

Assignment 2 - MET202

2 pages

Module 3

11 attachments • 4 hrs


Second law of Thermodynamics; Thermal reservoir, Source & Sink; Heat engine, Heat pump & Refrigerator

Statements Of Second Law Of Thermodynamics; Equivalence Of Kelvin Plank & Clausius Statements; PMM - 2; Reversibility & Irreversibility

Carnot's Theorem, proof and its Coriolis

Problems related to Carnot's theorem; Clausius Inequality

Concept Of Entropy; Entropy - A Property Of The System; Expression For Change In Entropy Of Ideal Gas

Application of change in Entropy for different processes; Principle of increase of Entropy

Application of Entropy Principle; Entropy Generation; Third law of Thermodynamics

Problems related to Entropy

Available Energy and Unavailable Energy; Availabilityand Irreversibility; First and Second Law Efficiency; Problem

MET202 (Notes) - Module 3

8 pages

Module 4

8 attachments • 1 hrs


Pure Substance; Phase change process of Pure Substance(Water) or Steam formation; Dryness and Wetness fraction

Pure Substance T-V, P-T, P-V, T-S, H-S Diagrams

Numericals Part -1

Numericals Part - 2

Ideal gas & Real gas; Characteristic Gas constant & Universal Gas constant; Vander wall equation of state & viral expansion; Compressibility chart & rate

Law of the Corresponding state and it's problems

MET202 (Notes) - Module 4

7 pages

Module 5

7 attachments • 1 hrs


Gas Mixture; Dalton's law; Amagat's law of Additive Volume

Gibbs Dalton Law; Gravimetric and Volumetric Analysis and its problems

Problems related to Gravimetric and Volumetric analysis

Maxwell equations; Tds equation; Clausius clapeyron equation

Joule Thompson coefficient and inversion curve; Generalized equation for Joule Thompson coefficient; Energy equations and problems; Kay's Rule

MET202 (Notes) - Module 5

12 pages

Solved Previous Years Question Papers

2 attachments

MET202 Numericals Solutions - July 2021

14 pages

MET202 Numericals Solutions - June 2022

16 pages

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