Fluid Machinery - MET206
6 modules
Access till 2025-12-31
This course provides an understanding of reciprocating and rotary fluid machinery. The course consists of hydraulic pumps, turbines, air compressors and gas turbines
Module 1
19 attachments • 7 hrs
Introduction to Fluid Machinery
Introduction; Impact of jet on vanes; Force exerted by the jet on a stationary vertical plate; Force exerted by the jet on a stationary inclined flat plate
Force exerted by a jet on a stationary curved plate cases; Force on a flat vertical plate moving in the direction of jet; Force on the inclined plate moving in the direction of jet;
Force on the curved plate moving in the direction of the jet; Force exerted by a jet on an unsymmetrical moving curved plane when jet strikes tangentially at one of the tips; Jet strikes on a series of moving flat plate; Force exerted by a jet on a hinged plate
Problems related to impact on the jet planes - Part 1
Problems related to impact on the jet planes - Part 2
Problems related to impact on the jet planes - Part 3
Hydraulic Turbines and Classifications; Impulse Turbine and Reaction Turbine; Pelton Wheel or Pelton Turbine
Velocity triangle, work done, and efficiency for Pelton Wheel; Head and efficiency of Pelton Wheel
Design Aspects of a pelton wheel theory and problems
Pelton wheel problems
Radial flow reaction turbine; Inward and Outward flow reaction turbine; Velocity triangle, Radial flow reaction turbine; Inward and Outward flow reaction turbine; Velocity triangle, work done and efficiency of reaction turbine
Radial flow reaction turbine problems Part 1
Radial flow reaction turbine problems Part 2
Francis Turbine theory and problems Part 1
Francis Turbine problems Part 2; Kaplan Turbine theory and problem
Kaplan Turbine problems Part 2; Degree of reaction
2 pages
MET206 (Notes) - Module 1
20 pages
Module 2
11 attachments • 3 hrs
Characteristic curves of Turbines; Draft tube
Problems related to the Draft tube; Specific speed of a Turbine; Unit quantities; Surge tank
Rotary Motion of Liquids; Differentiate Turbine and Pump; Classification of Pump
Centrifugal Pump; Main components and working of a Centrifugal Pump; Types of Casing
Velocity triangle and workdone by the impellar of a Centrifugal Pump; Various heads and efficiencies of a Pump; Problems
Problems related to Centrifugal Pump
Specific speed of a Centrifugal Pump; Minimum speed for starting a Centrifugal Pump
Problems related to the speed of a Centrifugal Pump; Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump Theory and Problems
Characteristic Curves of Centrifugal Pump; Cavitation in Pump; Net positive suction head; Losses in a Centrifugal Pump
MET206 (Notes) - Module 2
26 pages
Module 3
11 attachments • 4 hrs
Reciprocating pump and its classification; Working of a single and double acting reciprocating pump; Slip and negative slip of a reciprocating pump
Problems; Variation of velocity and acceleration in the suction and delivery pipes due to acceleration of piston; Effect of variation of velocity on friction in the suction and delivery pipes
Indicator Diagram; Effect of acceleration in suction and delivery pipes on Indicator diagram
Problem related to effect of acceleration in suction and delivery pipes on Indicator diagram
Effect of friction in suction and delivery pipes on Indicator diagram theory and problem
Problem related to effect of acceleration and friction in suction and delivery pipes on Indicator diagram
Air Vessels; Work done against friction with and without air vessel; Work saved in a single and double acting reciprocating pump;
Problems related to Air Vessels
Hydraulic Press; Hydraulic accumulator; Hydraulic Ram; Hydraulic Intensifier; Gear Pump; Vane Pump; Lobe Pump; Jet Pump
MET206 (Notes) - Module 3
8 pages
Module 4
13 attachments • 4 hrs
Compressor & Classification; Working of a Reciprocating Compressor
Work done by a Single Stage Reciprocating Compressor with and without Clearance Volume
Volumetric efficiency of a Reciprocating Compressor; Problems related to Reciprocating Compressor
Problems related to Reciprocating Compressor; Multi Stage Compression with Inter cooling
Condition for Minimum work input for two stage compressor; Problem related to Multi Stage Compressor
Centrifugal Compressor; Velocity diagram & work; Problems
Problems related to Centrifugal Compressor
Axial flow compressor and its velocity diagram; Degree of Reaction
Problems related to Degree of Reaction and Axial flow compressor
Slip factor and Pressure coefficient; Surging and Checking; Roots blower, Vane and Screw compressor
Problems related to compressor
MET206 (Notes) - Module 4
20 pages
Module 5
7 attachments • 2 hrs
Gas Turbine and it's classifications; Working of an Open Cycle, Closed Cycle, Semi-closed Cycle Gas turbine
Ideal Brayton Cycle
Optimum pressure ratio for minimum specific work output; Brayton Cycle with Regeneration, Intercooling, Reheater
Pressure loss in the combustion chamber and Stability loop; Problems related to Gas Turbine Part - 1
Problems related to Gas Turbine Part - 2
MET206 (Notes) - Module 5
11 pages
Solved Previous Years University Question Papers
2 attachments
MET206 - July 2021
24 pages
MET206 - June 2022
15 pages
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