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Solid State Devices - ECT201
8 modules
Access till 2024-12-31
Solid State Devices - ECT201 aims to understand the physics and workings of solid state devices.
Module 1
13 attachments • 4 hrs
Introduction; Classification of Solids
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
Effective mass; Fermi-Dirac distribution function
Fermi-Dirac distribution function of semiconductors
Equilibrium concentration of electrons and holes; Equilibrium and steady state condition
Special cases of equilibrium concentration of electrons and holes (Theory and Problems)
Problems based on equilibrium concentration of electrons and holes
Excess carriers in semiconductors; Generation Mechanism
Recombination Mechanism
Steady state carrier generation; Quasi-fermi levels
Optical Generation (Theory and Problems)
Notes - Module 1
41 pages
Assignment 1 (with key)
2 pages
Module 2
12 attachments • 3 hrs
Introduction; Drift, Mobility and Conductivity
Expression for minimum conductivity; Variation of mobility with temperature and doping
Problems based on drift and conductivity
Hall Effect
Problems based on Hall Effect
Current density in semiconductor; Einstein relations
Continuity Equation
Steady-state carrier injection; Diffusion length: Poisson's Equation
Gradient of Quasi-Fermi level
Notes - Module 2
34 pages
Assignment 2 (with key)
3 pages
Module 3
18 attachments • 6 hrs
Introduction to PN junction; Contact potential
Electric field, Potential and Charge distribution
Energy band diagrams of PN junction
Problems related to Electric field, Contact potential and Width of Depletion region
Problem related to Ideal diode equation
Metal Semiconductor Contacts
Ohmic Contacts
Current voltage characteristics of Metal Semiconductor contacts
Problem related to Schottky Barrier
Bipolar Junction Transistors (Working and Current components)
Performance Parameters of BJT (Theory and Problem); Transistor Action
Evaluation of Terminal Currents (Part 1)
Evaluation of Terminal Currents (Part 2)
Base width modulation
Schottky Barrier
Ideal diode equation
Notes - Module 3
50 pages
Assignment 3 (with key)
3 pages
Module 4
9 attachments • 3 hrs
Introduction; Ideal MOS Capacitor; Energy Band Diagrams of Ideal MOS Capacitor (Equilibrium and Accumulation)
Energy Band Diagrams of Ideal MOS Capacitor (Depletion and Inversion)
Threshold Voltage; Effect of real surfaces; Threshold Voltage of real MOS
Body Effect; Problem based on Threshold Voltage
MOSFET (Structure and Working)
Drain Current Equation
Transfer Characteristics (Theory and Problems)
Assignment 4 (with key)
2 pages
Notes - Module 4
35 pages
Module 5
7 attachments • 1 hrs
Introduction; MOSFET Scaling
Types of Scaling - Constant Field Scaling, Constant Voltage Scaling; Sub Threshold Conduction
Short Channel Effects (Part 1)
Short Channel Effects (Part 2)
Non-Planar MOSFETs - FinFET
Notes - Module 5
20 pages
Assignment 5 (with key)
1 page
Live Sessions - Recorded
10 attachments • 7 hrs
ECT201 - 09.10.2022
ECT201 - 19.10.2022
ECT201 - 04.11.2022
ECT201 - 15.11.2022
ECT201 - 24.11.2022
ECT201 - 06.12.2022
ECT201 - 12.12.2022
ECT201 - 20.12.2022
ECT201 - 27.12.2022
ECT201 - 09.01.2023
The Final Lap
4 attachments • 3 hrs
Day 1 - ECT201
Day 2 - ECT201
Day 3 - ECT201
Day 4 - ECT201
Solved Previous Year University QP
2 attachments
ECT201 December 2020
29 pages
ECT201 December 2021
28 pages
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₹ 899.00
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Solid State Devices - ECT201
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