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/Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Transforms - MAT102
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Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Transforms - MAT102

6 modules


Access till 2025-01-31


This course introduces the concepts and applications of differentiation and integration of vector-valued functions, differential equations, Laplace and Fourier Transforms. The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with some advanced concepts and methods in Mathematics which include the Calculus of vector valued functions, ordinary differential equations and basic transforms such as Laplace and Fourier Transforms which are invaluable for any engineer’s mathematical tool box. The topics treated in this course have applications in all branches of engineering.


Module 1

19 attachments • 6 hrs

Introduction to Vector Calculus, Differential Equations & Transforms


Vector Calculus; Domain of a vector function


Limit and Derivative of vector function


Tangent vector and tangent line (Theory and Problems)

Derivatives of dot & cross products (Theory and Problems)

Integration of vector-valued functions (Theory and Problems)

Motion along a curve (Theory and problems)

Motion along a curve (Problems)

Unit tangent and unit normal vector (Theory and problems)

Normal & Tangential components of acceleration (Theory & Problems)

Normal & Tangential components of acceleration (Problems)

Gradient and Directional derivatives (Theory & Problems)

Gradient (Problems)

Curl & Divergence (Theory & Problems)

Line Integral (Theory & Problems)

Work done (Theory & Problems)

Conservative vector field (Theory & Problems)

MAT102 (Notes) - Module 1

107 pages

Assignment 1 - MAT102

1 page

Module 2

10 attachments • 2 hrs

Green's Theorem (Theory & Problems)

Green's Theorem (Problems)

Gauss Divergence Theorem (Theory & Problems)

Gauss Divergence Theorem (Problems); Source & Sink (Theory & Problems)

Surface Integrals (Theory & Problems)

Surface Integrals (Problems)

Stokes' Theorem (Theory & Problems)

Stokes' Theorem (Problems)

MAT102 (Notes) - Module 2

56 pages

Assignment 2 - MAT102

1 page

Module 3

12 attachments • 4 hrs

Differential Equations; Linear D.E.; Complementary functions (Theory)

Complementary functions (Problems)

Particular Integral - Type 1, Type 2 (Theory & Problems)

Particular Integral - Type 2 (Problems), Type 3 (Theory & Problems)

Particular Integral - Type 4 (Theory & Problems)

Method of variation of Parameters (Theory & Problems)

Cauchy-Euler Differential Equation (Theory & Problems)

Method of reduction of order - Type 1 (Theory & Problems)

Method of reduction of order - Type 2 (Theory & Problems)

Finding second order Ordinary Differential Equations

MAT102 (Notes) - Module 3

44 pages

Assignment 3 - MAT102

1 page

Module 4

11 attachments • 3 hrs

Laplace Transform (Theory & Problems)

First shifting theorem (Theory & Problems)

Multiplication by tⁿ (Theory & Problems); Division by t (Theory & Problems)

Transform of integrals (Theory & Problems); Inverse Laplace Transform (Theory & Problems)

Inverse Laplace Transform (Problems)

Inverse Laplace Transform (Problems)

Transforms of Derivatives (Theory & Problems)

Convolution Theorem (Theory & Problems)

Unit step function (Theory & Problems); Second shifting theorem (Theory & Problems)

MAT102 (Notes) - Module 4

48 pages

Assignment 4 - MAT102

1 page

Module 5

9 attachments • 2 hrs

Fourier Integrals (Theory & Problems)

Fourier Integrals (Problems - Part I)

Fourier Integrals (Problems - Part II)

Fourier Transforms (Theory & Problems)

Fourier Transforms (Problems)

Inverse Fourier Transform; Fourier sine & cosine transforms (Problems)

Fourier sine & cosine transforms (Problems)

MAT102 (Notes) - Module 5

34 pages

Assignment 5 - MAT102

1 page

Solved Previous Year Questions

2 attachments

MAT102 - July 2021 - Solved

18 pages

MAT102 - Model QP - Solved

14 pages

Rate this Course

₹ 499.00


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Vector Calculus, Differential Equations and Transforms - MAT102


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